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8 min read
The Humbling Gift of Deperation
My entire agenda seemed to revolve around gaining approval from the people who I was most afraid of. Throughout this period in my life I hur

4 min read
Therapist By Day, Crime Writer By Night
I must admit, I’ve had an interesting career journey. For many years I was a Hollywood screenwriter, after which I became a licensed psychot

6 min read
A (fictional) therapist as friend or family member: help or hindrance?
In fiction, the role of confidante is a useful device for articulating the protagonist’s deepest hopes and fears. A fictionalised therapy wo

11 min read
I feel trapped in Depression. Is there any hope?
Depression is today’s leading cause of “disability” and a spreading epidemic across the globe. 1 in 5 adults in UK suffer from Depression, w

3 min read
Is your childhood the cause of your Burnout?
I get a bit fed up with burnout articles talking about how pressured we are and how work is so demanding because they imply that our environ
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