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Imposture Syndrome

Fri, 11 Feb


Online Event

Many of us feel an imposter at some time in our lives. That we don't quite measure up, that we will be found out.

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Imposture Syndrome
Imposture Syndrome

Time & Location

11 Feb 2022, 10:00 – 12:00

Online Event


About The Event

Join us, as we ask you to reflect on your own relationship with this topic using a creative method. By personally experiencing the creative method you will understand how powerful it can be in exploring thoughts and deeply held beliefs and in gaining new insights that help create a positive shift.

All of the creative techniques we share can be used virtually and face to face with your own clients.

Awaken  your ability to use creative techniques by experiencing them and learning how to use them in your practice. And by doing so, receive some much-treasured time to reflect on yourself too.

Creative techniques offer an opportunity for you to unlock a deeper conversation with your clients, by giving them an alternative language to the spoken word, to reach into their unconscious to explore and express what’s going on for them.

“It helps clients get to the unconscious part without words getting in the way.” Dr Pat Williams

Don’t worry, neither you, nor your clients need to be ‘creative’ to get the benefit from these workshops. No artistic ability is needed. We trust that everyone is as creative as they need to be in the moment. Just drawing squiggles with a pencil is all the ability you need!

It's important for you to know that you will be experiencing the creative techniques first-hand and working on yourself and your relationship with the topic. That way, you'll feel the power of these creative techniques personally and know how they open up new thoughts, perspectives and approaches that you can then take into your practice.

These workshops are suitable for:

  • Individuals wanting to know more about themselves - what makes you tick,  what your beliefs, values and behaviours are, where they came from and explore if they are still serving you well.
  • Coaches, Counsellors or Therapists undergoing their training or fully qualified, who are wishing to explore how creative techniques unlock a deeper conversation with their clients.
  • Mindfulness, Yoga, Pilates and teachers in other affiliated fields who are engaged with developing the whole person.


About the facilitators

Christina and Lindsey have been running creative workshops online and face to face for over 3 years. Whilst their background and experience couldn’t be more different, their partnership came from their joint belief in using creativity in their practise and witnessing the transformation it has made to people’s lives.

Christina Bachini has been working as a coach and counsellor for over 35 years. She trained as a humanistic psychologist and counsellor in the early 1980′s and then went on to develop skills as an NLP Trainer, hypnotherapist and Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling Practitioner, art therapy and sand play. Christina brings her background in understanding the deep structure to raise awareness of what is stuck at an unconscious level. Today she works as an Executive and Leadership coach and works with individuals using her unique 2-day Chrysalis process and is an individual and group coach Supervisor.

Lindsey Wheeler has been working as an Executive and Career coach for more than a decade, after a successful corporate career. What brought Lindsey to creativity was a strong desire to find new ways to help her clients unlock their thinking. She has trained in many approaches and theories and has found that creativity is the best approach for deep and transformational shifts in people’s thinking. The very act of creatively externalising the topics that are holding people back provides a voice for the unconscious and provides a rich source of new thoughts, ideas and perspectives that leads to significant, meaningful and positive change.


For all our workshops you will need at a very minimum, a couple of sheets of A4 or A3 paper, felt tip pens or coloured pencils. Plus, scissors, glue or sticky tape and any other creative materials you have to hand.

For more info and to book click here 

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