3 minMental Health: Has talking become a thing of the past?Talking has almost become ‘out of fashion’, could this be a primary factor of the rise in mental health? I fully believe that when you are s
8 minVulnerableI have tried, failed and tried again. The simple truth is, while I usually manage to find happiness on my own terms, at times my self-confid
2 minPoem: Me and YouWhat if it doesn’t matter if I’m scared of people? Seeking comfort in the space between the split infinitive: I think she really likes to be
5 minA Crying Shame: Why is it so Hard to Cry?Crying in society as a result or pain? If you’re outside, in front of people? They’ll look the other way, walk faster or cross the road… But
6 minGrief 7 Years OnI didn’t know it then but I had begun a new chapter of my life and it started with Abandonment. From that moment, I was catapulted into an a